
Google Dork : powerful weapon for hackers

Sample use of Dork As Weapon for everyday use

There are several kinds of dork type:

(Looking for title / title on a web)

(Finding a string contained in the url)


(Looking for a specific file)

(Finding a value in a string web)

(Looking at a particular web)

(Search the web which has a link on the web at select)

examples of use:

intitle:"index of/lady gaga" find a web with "index of/lady gaga" in title
inurl:"guest | book" "html allowed" find a web with "index of/lady gaga" in url that allow write comment in html
inurl:password.log find a web with "password.log" in url
intitle:"index of" password.txt site:my
intitle:"index of" admin.mdb
intitle:"index of" member.mdb
intitle:"phpmyadmin" "running on localhost"
intitle:"index of" "data base" site:id
inurl:database.inc site:id
inurl:connector.txt site:id
site:id filetype:.doc

Dork for Email

find email with password
filetype:txt @yahoo.com password:*
filetype:txt @ymail.com password:***
filetype:txt @yahoo.com password:***
filetype:txt @gmail.com password:*
filetype:txt @gmail.com password:*
filetype:txt email + password:* @gmail.com @yahoo.com
intext:"Date Submitted" intext:"password" intext:"email" inurl:"logs.txt"

dork for d e f a c e

find at this link